Our Curriculum
We’re bringing American history to life through a multi-district multidisciplinary k-12 curriculum educating students on sacrifice, remembrance, and the values of freedom through an engaging curriculum based on Normandy and the game that never happened.
Interested in bringing our curriculum to your school?

The Guiding Principle for this Civics Summit is the following: History must be preserved and passed on. American public education should equip students with a deep understanding of their history, civic responsibilities, and the rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. A comprehensive civics education includes a clear grasp of the roles and responsibilities of government and the inalienable rights of all citizens. Initiatives such as Operation Democracy, with its four programs (The Civics Summit being one) centered on the World War II curriculum created by Locust Valley Schools—particularly the lessons of Normandy—and honoring veterans, aiming to instill a profound love of country in students. The Civic Summit brings these principles together, fostering critical thinking and empowering students to discern information and make informed decisions, preparing them to live as productive citizens of both the United States and the global community.
Goals of Operation Democracy
- To strengthen the historic and necessary bonds of friendship between France and the United States of America through significant educational projects that will deepen our commitments to student understanding of our Freedom and Democracy and Ethical Leadership.
- To make all of us aware that whether we like it or not, we are all ambassadors and diplomats. We must embrace this responsibility by choosing to be and educating ourselves to be good ambassadors and good diplomats. What each of us does matters.
- To honor our veterans in our vow to never forget.
Your 100% tax-deductible donation to Operation Democracy helps ensure the next generations will understand the costs of our freedom and democracy and the imperative to be vigilant in defense of our Western Civilization. You can make a difference today.